RoadRat's Scribble
Table of contents
* Art * Pencil sketches and color enhanced renderings of ladies with long hair.
Art Gallery. There are now 86 color and 86 pencil drawings in the Art Gallery.
Newest update to the Art Gallery: From "A Tale of Two Best Friends" 9-29-01
News 9-1-01: In order to comply with the space limits at 50megs, the Art Gallery will be hosted at in a new window.
* Short Stories * Short stories with illustrations about the emotional ties many have with their long hair.
Storybook. There are now 12 short stories and 3 continuing stories in the story library.
Newest story: "A Tale of Two Best Friends" Chapter 9 9-16-01
News 9-1-01: In order to comply with the new space limitations at 50 megs, the Storybook will be hosted at in a new window.
* Scans and Pictures * Ladies with long hair.
Picture Museum. Some date back to the 60's!
There are 157 pictures in the Long Hair Picture Museum pages.
New! Fingertip length video captures from 1974. 9-29-01
* Misc.*
o Link Exchange Page Added Stressless Tresses by Karen Marie to the Link Exchange Page. 9-16.
o History of RoadRat's Scribble
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